
Saturday Explore – 1

Here’s Top 3 insights for your weekends.

  1. How to build & sell your own product? (Entrepreneurship).
  2. Success or Materialism? (Self-development)
  3. Secret super exiting exploring stuff.

1. How to build & sell your own product?

So how much of you really like show called Shark Tank? Pretty
sure that you heard the name. We thought that it’s not that
complicate to make a startup or business by watching this
show. But there’s such many obstacles to start a startup. Let
me explain you in briefly,

  • Firstly Ideation stage in which we found the pain point of the
  • Then Market research actually begin in order to know
    weather the market exist or not.
  • Then the Documentation & production about the product
    begins. (WATERFALL MODEL really works here)
  • Than settle up the costing accordingly to the market.
  • As we all know that now it’s the time for marketing.
  • Don’t forget to work accordingly to customer’s feedbacks.

MUST WATCH : by clicking this

2. Success or Materialism?

I sometimes think about what success looks like to me. Late-
night thoughts can be quite profound, right?

I recently watched a documentary called “Minimalism” and it
changed my whole perspective on success. Nowadays, the
meaning of success has evolved. It’s no longer just about
measuring an individual’s success by the materialistic things
they own, such as cars , jewelry , a shoe collection , a house
, etc.

Many of us have numerous possessions in our households that
we don’t even require, and this is when materialism takes hold
in our lives.

Key Learning Point:
▪ The documentary showcases how minimalism can lead to a
more fulfilling life by focusing on essential things, decluttering,
and letting go of material possessions.

Must watch : Minimalism

3. Secret Super Exiting Exploring Stuff

I don’t extend it much, but recently, I discovered new portal of the YouTube, it
shows how you make Hollywood level shooting and editing from the minimal cost
by our JUGAAD & Pure Skills.

Explore : by clicking this


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