About Us

Content Has to Be More That Just Brilliant

  • PDPU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 
  • B.Tech, CSE’26 Batch
  • Tech Enthausiast | Programmer | Graphic Designer

Saturday Explore

Founder & CEO

Revolutionizing your weekends with an exclusive newsletter on entrepreneurship, tech & self-development.

Resin Emporium - New Zealand

Chief marketing Officer

Crafting Beauty in Every Pour: Where Resin Meets the Magic


Social Media & Marketing Head

SYNERGY Club – The Entrepreneurship club of PDEU 


Head in one of wing in Self-Development Community

Community of Folks with Growth Mindset, Quality People & Influenced to do Something Productive.

Preppers Info Tech

Content Writer cum Moderator intern

Subject: constitution of India 

Action required:

1. There is already material with us, you are required to moderate the material given to you

2. ⁠making the content available in the said format. (Will be specified)

PDPU - Science & Technical

Publicity Member

The core club of PDPU’s Tech department


The Speaker's Paradice Content & Documentation Committee Member

We envision to deliver the ability to turn your fear into courage, an thoughts into words.

Pratibha Foundation

Associate intern

A non-profit organization working for children education